Students who are planning their Erasmus+ mobility at the University of Novi Sad (UNS) from 2021/2022, are invited to start using the the Online Learning Agreement (OLA) platform (https://learning-agreement.eu/) and get in touch through the Erasmus Dashboard system with the relevant academic coordinators at UNS.
The academic coordinators are part of the Erasmus Dashboard for the University of Novi Sad, its Faculties and specific fields and have been nominated to provide academic support to both incoming and outgoing Erasmus+ students.
About the Erasmus Dashboard
The Erasmus Dashboard has been developed with the support of the European Commission and can be used as the official tool to manage your Erasmus+ mobilities as per European Student Card Initiative roadmap.
Dashboard is a space to review, decline, comment, download and sign incoming and outgoing students Learning Agreements online.
It also connects to the European Commission's Erasmus+ Mobile App, allowing you to communicate with the incoming and outgoing students directly via the App.
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