The Tempus project SIPUS, coordinated by the University of Novi Sad from December 2013 until December 2016, organises the final Consortium Meeting of its partner institutions at the University of Pécs, Hungary, on 7- 8 November 2016.
The objective of the SIPUS project has been the advancement of the process of internationalisation of higher education and science in the Republic of Serbia through activities conducted in parallel at the national and institutional level. At the national level, the project activities have been focused on drawing up a draft of the national strategy of internationalisation in higher education, as well as the proposal for the accreditation standards for joint and double degrees with foreign partners, whereas the activities on the institutional level have aimed at the development of university strategies of internationalisation and the process of building institutional capacities for Serbia’s participation in large-scale international collaborations in education and research.
The Consortium Meeting will include:
- Overview of SIPUS results in three development work packages,
- Presentation of the Strategy of Internationalisation of the University of Novi Sad, Serbia,
- Presentation of the new Internationalisation Agenda of the University of Pécs, Hungary,
- Presentation of the draft of the National strategy of internationalisation of HE in the Republic of Serbia and
- Presentations of SIPUS foreign and RS partners on the effects of their SIPUS-related activities.
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