Dr Đorđe Herceg was born on 6.3.1973. in Novi Sad.
He graduated in Computer Science from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Novi Sad in 1995, with a grade average of 9.28. He earned his master’s degree in Computer Science from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in 1997 and defended his PhD thesis in Numerical Mathematics in 1999, also at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics. He received the Student award from the University of Novi Sad in 1995, the "Mihajlo Pupin" award for the MSc Thesis from Matica Srpska, Novi Sad in 1998, and the "Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn" award for the PhD Thesis from the University of Novi Sad, 1999.
He was employed full-time at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad in 1995, as a teaching assistant. He was appointed Assistant Professor in 1999, Associate Professor in 2004 and Full Professor in 2010, in the field of Numerical Mathematics.
Dr Đorđe Herceg has held courses in Numerical Analysis, Informatics and biosystems modeling, Programming, Business informatics, Modern teaching tools, Symbolic computation, Methodics of Informatics, Computer architecture, Computer networks, .NET technologies. He lectured mathematics at the Faculty of Medicine, informatics at the Faculty of Law and at the Faculty of Physical Education. In addition, he has worked part time at the “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” and “Mihajlo Pupin” high schools in Novi Sad.
He is the author or co-author of 80 scientific papers in the fields of numerical mathematics, informatics and methodics. He has mentored one PhD thesis and a number of MSc and BSc theses. He has co-authored 13 textbooks and a monograph in the English language. Besides the scientific work, he is professionally engaged in software development, providing IT trainings for industry and academy, as well as the development of online and combined teaching at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Novi Sad.
Project participation: Mathematical models and structures with applications, Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia, 1996-2000; Numerical solving of operator equations, Project 1840, Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, 2001-2004; Numerical Methods for Solving Nonlinear Mathematical Models, Project 144006, Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, 2006-2010; Numerical Methods, Simulations and Applications, Project 174030, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, 2011-2020.
Other activities: Head of the GeoGebra Institute of Novi Sad, Serbia; Author of the Accredited programmes "IT in preparation and teaching of mathematics in primary and secondary schools" and “Arduino and C++ programming” of the Institute for Education Improvement ; Chair of the Organizing Committee and Editor of the Proceedings for the XVII Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM 2006, Kragujevac, 2006< Member of the Organizing Committee and Editor of the Proceedings of the XVIII Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM 2009, Novi Sad, 2009; Member of the Organizing Committee for: GeoGebra Conference for Southeast Europe, Novi Sad, 2011; 12th Serbian Mathematical Congress, Novi Sad, 2008; XVI Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM 2004, Budva, 2004; XV Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM 2002, Zlatibor, 2002; XIV Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM 2000, Palić, 2000.
Courses held: Microsoft Office 365 and Teams for Higher Education in Serbia, Organized by Microsoft and Semos, Belgrade 2020; Naftna Industrija Srbije, Microsoft Excel in Accounting, 2010; Meridian Bank, Serbia, Microsoft Project and Project Server, 2008; C# programming for the students of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Novi Sad, supported by Microsoft Serbia, 2005; Lafarge BFC, Serbia, Microsoft Project (two courses), 2002–2003; Telekom Srbija, Microsoft Excel and Access, 2001, 2003.
Professional development: University of Illinois, Chicago, 1997, 1 month; Florida International University – MAIDROC Lab, Miami, 2007, 1 month.
Memberships: JUPIM – Yugoslav society for applied and industrial mathematics, since 1998; AMS – American Mathematical Society, since 1999; IEEE – since 2000; SIAM – since 2007.
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