Scientific field of study: Control system engineering, Biomedical engineering
Education: Graduated from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, study program Electronics and telecommunications in 1992 with an average grade of 9.00. He received his master’s degree in Control system engineering in 1996 and acquired his doctoral degree in 2003 in Electrotechnical and computing engineering at the Faculty of Technical Sciences.
Professional career at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad: Employed at the Department of computing and control engineering of the Faculty of Technical Sciences in 1992. He has held teaching positions since 2004 (Assistant professor 2004-2009, Associate professor 2009-2014, Full professor since 2014) in the field of Control system engineering.
At the Faculty of Technical Sciences he conducts classes on all levels on the study programs Computing and control engineering and Biomedical engineering in the following courses: The Basics of biomedical engineering, The Basics of neural prosthesis, Hardware interfaces, Application of DSP in system control (bachelor studies); Neural prosthesis and neural interfaces, The Principles of electrotherapy (master’s studies), Select areas from signals and systems, Select areas from medical device design, Select areas from neural prosthesis (doctor’s studies).
As an author and coauthor he published nearly 100 works in the following fields: Biomedical engineering and Control system engineering, and 2 technical solutions. He mentored 3 doctor’s dissertations and several master’s and bachelor’s degrees.
Participation in scientific projects:
Domestic projects: “Razvoj virtuelnih i telemedicinskih uređaja za elektrofiziološka merenja”, Ministry of science and the environmental protection of the Republic of Serbia, number IT.1.08.3221.B (2002-2005); “Razvoj uređaja i metoda osoba sa poremećajima senzorno-motornih funkcija”, Ministry of science and the environmental protection of the Republic of Serbia, number TR-6117A (2005-2008); “Uticaj medikamentozne terapije i funkcionalne elektroterapije na spastičnost kod dece obolele od cerebralne paralize”, Provincial Secretariat for science and technical development AP Vojvodina, number 114-451-01302/2007-02 (2007-2009); “Elektronski system za upravljanje pokretima osoba sa invaliditetom” Ministry of science of the Republic of Serbia, number TR-11019 (2008-2011); “Primena biomedicinskog inženjeringa u pretkliničkim i kliničkim istraživanjima”, Ministry of education, science and technological development, number III41007 (2011-); “Razvoj sistema za detekciju i pre-dijagnostiku povreda nastradalih učesnika u saobraćajnim nezgodama”, Provincial Secretariat for education and scientific research AP Vojvodina, (2019);
European projects: “HUTON – HUman TOol Network“, European Commision TEMPUS, number 530510-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TEMPUS(2012 – 2015); „Smart integrated extreme environment health monitor with sensory feedback for enhanced situation awareness — SIXTHSENSE“, H2020 European Commision, number 883315 – SIXTHSENSE (2020 - ).
Management and organization work at the faculty and in both national and international organizations:
Head of chair of systems, signals and control systems, Faculty of technical sciences Novi Sad; Director of the Department of computing and control engineering, Faculty of technical sciences Novi Sad; Head of the Computing and control engineering study programs, both bachelor and master level; Head of the bachelor’s, master’s and doctorial study programs for Biomedical engineering. Led the foundation and accreditation of the Biomedical engineering bachelor’s, master’s and doctorial study programs, with which the Faculty of technical sciences of the University of Novi Sad became the only faculty in the region that educates students in this multidisciplinary area, on all three levels of studies. Co-president of the Biomedical engineering section and a presidential member of the Society for electronics, telecommunications, computing, system control and nuclear engineering of Serbia (ETRAN); Member of the international professional society The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
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