The University of Novi Sad hosted three Rectors’ Conferences on the 6th of May, 2016.
The Conference of the Serbian State University Rectors was held in the morning, gathering the rectors of all state universities in Serbia: Professor Vladimir Bumbaširević, PhD, Rector of the Univesrity of Belgrade, Professor Dragan Antić, PhD, Rector of the University of Niš, Major General Professor Mladen Vuruna, PhD, Rector of the University of Defence, Professor Miladin Kostić, PhD, Rector of the State University of Novi Pazar, Professor Srećko Milačić, PhD, Rector of the University of Priština temporarily settled in Kosovska Mitrovica, Professor Zoran Erić, PhD, Rector of the University of Arts in Belgrade, Professor Jeroslav Živanić, PhD, Vice-rector for the coordination of the activities of the faculties located outside the seat of the University of Kragujevac and Professor Dušan Nikolić, PhD, Rector of the University of Novi Sad and the President of the Community of State Universities of Serbia.
The morning session was followed by the meeting of the Council of the Conference of Serbian Universities which gathered the rectors of the state universities as well as the rectors of the private universities: Professor Dragan Domazet, PhD, Rector of the University “Metroplitanˮ, Professor Slobodan Pajović, PhD, Rector of the University “Džon Nezbit [John Naisbitt]ˮ, Professor Milija Zečević, PhD, Rector of the “Evropski univerzitet [European University]ˮ, Professor Jovo Kolar, PhD, Rector of the University “Privredna akademija [Business Academy]ˮ in Novi Sad, Professor Mladen Veinović, PhD, Rector of the University “Singidunumˮ and Professor Mila Popović-Živančević, PhD, Rector of the University “Alfa BKˮ.
The third rectors' conference was the First Serbian-Hungarian Rectors' Forum which brought together the rectors of Serbian state and private universites representatives as well as the members of the Hungarian Rectors' Conference: Professor József Bódis, PhD, Rector of the University of Pécs and the President of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, Zoltán Dubéczi, PhD, Secretary-general Kitti Fanni Balog, Head of the International Relations Office of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, Ágoston Szél, PhD, Rector of the Semmelweis University, András Gelencsér, PhD, Rector of the University Pannonia, Professor András Kisfaludi, PhD, Vice-rector for General Affairs of Eötvös Loránd University, Professor András Torma, PhD, Rector of the University of Miskolc, Professor Éva Sándor Kriszt, PhD, Rector of the Budapest Business School, Professor Ferenc Szávai, PhD, Rector of Kaposvár University, Professor Gábor Szabó, PhD, Rector of the University of Szeged, Professor Kálmán Liptai, PhD, Rector of Eszterhazy Karoly University of Applied Sciences, Professor László Vass, PhD, Rector of the Budapest Metropolitan University, Professor Mihály Réger, PhD, Vice-rector for Research of the Óbuda University, Professor Molnár József, PhD, Vice-rector of Szent István University, Professor Péter Balla, PhD, Rector of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Professor Péter Szatmári, PhD, Rector of the King Zsigmond School, Professor Tőzsér János, PhD, Rector of Szent István University as well as Zoltán Maruzsa, PhD, Ministerial Commissioner in the Ministry of Human Capacities of the Republic of Hungary.
The topics that were discussed in the Forum were the systems of higher education in the Republic of Serbia and Hungary and the cooperation between Serbian and Hungarian universities. The participants in the Forum were addressed by Mr Miloš Vučević, Mayor of Novi Sad and Mr Mihály Nyilas, the Provincial Secretary for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities.
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