In the 11th meeting held on the 2nd of June, the Senate of the University of Novi Sad made a decision, pursuant to the suggestion of the Faculty of Law, to confer an honorary doctorate in Law to Professor Christian von Bar, PhD, full professor at the University of Osnabrück and the Founder and Director of the European Legal Studies Institute.
Professor Christian von Bar will be awarded during the conferment ceremony, held as a part of the celebration of the University Day which will take place on the 28th of June, at 6 pm, in the conference hall of the Central Building of the University (the Rectorate Building).
Christian von Bar was born in Hannover (Germany) in 1952. He is a full professor at the Osnabrück University and the Founder and Director of the European Legal Studies Institute. Professor von Bar has collaborated actively with numerous leading universities and other scientific institutions all over the world. He was a Bodossakis research fellow at the Churchill College (1981/1982) and a visiting professor at several universities: the Waseda University in Tokyo (1985), the University of Aix-en-Provence (1986), the University of Kobe (1996), the Hague Academy of International Law (1998), and a visiting professor and fellow at the Brasenose College, University of Oxford (2000). For decades he has had a leading role in developing European private law as the head of the Study Group on European Civil Code, a coordinator of the Network of Excellence Common Principles of European Contract Law (CoPECL), the leader of the international research group on Pan-European law on Unjustified Enrichment and Negotiorum Gestio, the head of the international research group on Pan-European Property Law and the co-editor of the outline of the Draft Common Frame of Reference (Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law). Professor von Bar is the holder of the Leibniz Prize (1993), Honorary Master of the Bench, Gray's Inn, London (1993), a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy, London (2000), Doctor iuris honoris causa of the Catholic University Leuven (2003), Linnaeus Doctor iuris honoris causa Uppsala University (2007), Doctor iuris honoris causa Tartu University (2007), Doctor iuris honoris causa Helsinki University (2010), Honorary Professor of the University of Czestochowa (2011), Honorary Doctor of Law of the University of Katowice (2012) and Honorary Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Olsztyn (2013).
Professor von Bar is the author of around 360 books, articles and reviews.
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