Novi Sad was proclaimed as the European Youth Capital for 2019 at the ceremony held in Varna on 16th November 2016. The European Youth Capital title will facilitate the implementation of multi-faceted cultural, social and other youth-related programmes, the development of a youth policy, as well as the application of innovative ideas and projects, encouraging young people to actively participate in the society.
The European Youth Capital is the title awarded to a European city for the period of one year. The jury consisting of eleven members made a decision to confer this title to Novi Sad following the final project presentation entitled ʻNovi Sad – Opening Doorsʼ.
A total of 13 European cities competed for this prestigious European title for 2019, whereas the following five cities were shortlisted: Amiens (France), Derry City & Strabane (Northern Ireland), Manchester (UK), Novi Sad (Serbia), and Perugia (Italy).
The OPENS 2019 initiative was supported by a large number of institutions and organizations, including the University of Novi Sad.
This significant award was given to Novi Sad in the same year when Novi Sad won the title of the European Capital of Culture 2021. Both awards are of great importance to the University of Novi Sad, which is inextricably bound to the city and its cultural, economic, business and social development, taking into account that it has 50,000 students and 5,000 employed teaching staff, researchers, associates and non-teaching staff.
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