On the 2017 list of QS World University Rankings by Subject, the University of Novi Sad appeared, for the first time, among the 200 and 300 best ranked universities in Agriculture & Forestry. The University of Belgrade was ranked within the same range. Both institutions have found themselves among the world’s top universities in this scientific field.
The University of Novi Sad also appeared on the EECA University Rankings list (Emerging Europe & Central Asia University Rankings) among the 130 best universities in this part of the world, ranked between 121st and 130th place.
The QS World University Rankings evaluates the universities around the world in specific subjects. The ranking is designed to help prospective students make informed choices on the leading universities in a particular field. The ranking assesses university performance using the following criteria:
1. Academic reputation
One of the survey questions posed to more than 80,000 researchers from different disciplines was to identify 10 national and 30 international institutions in their field of expertise that they considered to be of the highest quality in that field. The researchers are not allowed to choose their own institution.
2. Employer reputation
Employers are asked in a survey to identify up to 10 national and 30 international institutions they perceive to be producing the best graduates for recruitment, as well as to identify the disciplines in which they prefer to receive the university graduates. The analysis of the responses to these two questions helps to determine the level of excellence in a certain field.
3. Number of citations per publication
Differing from other ranking lists, the QS World University Rankings uses as one of the criteria the number of citations per publication, not the number of staff. The citations are taken from the Scopus abstract and citation database for a five-year period.
4. The h-index
The h-index is used as a means to measure both the productivity and the citation impact of the publications of a scholar. It is based on the set of the scientist's most cited papers and the number of citations that they have received in other publications.
This is the third global academic ranking list that the University of Novi Sad appeared on in the previous year. During 2016, the University of Novi Sad was ranked for the first time among the top 1,000 universities on Webometrics (886th place). Also, the University first appeared on the Leiden Ranking (756th place).
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