In order to strengthen the bilateral co-operation with the University of Novi Sad, the Jagiellonian University in Krakow will provide a short-term (2 weeks) scientific/educational training for the students and PhD candidates of the University of Novi Sad in the period of September/November 2018.
The Jagiellonian University will cover costs of accommodation and per diem in the amount of 70 PLN for the selected students.
The following units of the Jagiellonian University are ready to host the students of the University of Novi Sad:
Jagiellonian Centre for Experimental Therapeutics
Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology
Faculty of Chemistry
Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science)
Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology
The units of the Jagiellonian University can host 3 students per each Centre/Faculty (in total 12 students/PhD candidates). Pre-selection of candidates will be done by the Center for Strategic and Advanced Studies of the University of Novi Sad.
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