After winning the first three places at the 16th National Contest EUROBOT 2018, three teams from the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the University of Novi Sad represented Serbia in the final contest in France. The finals were held in the town La Roche-sur-Yon in France from May 9 to May 12, 2018.
In the face of fierce competition of teams from the whole world, the team of students from the Faculty of Technical Sciences Memristor won the fourth place. The first three places were taken by teams from Belgium, Algeria and France, whereas the other two teams of students from the Faculty of Technical Sciences, M41+ and Over 9000, were ranked among the first 20 teams, occupying the 11th and 20th place.
At EUROBOT contests, robots with completely new characteristics are made each year, and this year’s tasks to be performed by robots involved the building of cities.
Eurobot is the international youth contest in the field of robotics which is held in a different country each year. The first contest was held in 1994 with nine teams from four countries, whereas last year's contest gathered around 50 teams from 30 countries. Each country can participate in the contest with three teams. The best representatives are selected at national contests which then represent their own country in the international contest.
During a match, robots are completely autonomous both energetically and operationally, since they perform tasks and solve novel situations completely independently.
Тhree student teams from the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the University of Novi Sad represented Serbia in the final EUROBOT 2018 contest in France.
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