President of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina Prof. Dr. Drs h.c. Jörg Hacker visited the University of Novi Sad on July 19, 2018, together with his associates Dr. Marina Koch-Krumrei, Head of International Relations Department, and Lucian Brujan, Programme Director within the same Department.
The guests were received by the Rector of the University of Novi Sad Prof. Dr. Dušan Nikolić together with the Vice-Rectors Prof. Dr. Biljana Abramović, Prof. Dr. Snežana Smederevac and Prof. Dr. Saša Orlović.
On this occasion, discussions were held about cooperation in the fields of science and higher education within the framework of the Berlin Process, as well as about the first Western Balkans Rectors’ Forum to be organized by the Center for Strategic and Advanced Studies of the University of Novi Sad on September 24 and 25.
After discussions with the University leadership, the members of the German delegation also visited the Institute Biosens where they were acquainted with the work and achievements of this institution.
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