The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Platform for Open Science which is intended for all scientists and researchers, and refers to the results of research projects and programs financed in whole or in part from the budget of the Republic of Serbia.
Open science implies the realization of four goals:
1. Open approach to scientific literature,
2. Availability of data collected in scientific research,
3. Transparency of scientific communication and methodology,
4. Developing a digital infrastructure that enables the achievement of the three objectives.
The realization of these goals should contribute to greater visibility of scientific results, greater connection between science and economy, that is, between science and society as a whole, as well as the development of new research. The aims of open science are realized with the full protection of ethical norms, copyrights and intellectual property rights.
Open science is realized through:
1. Open access to scientific publications, and
2. Open access to primary data.
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