The Rector of the University of Zenica Prof. Dr. Damir Kukić visited the University of Novi Sad on February 25th, 2019, together with the Head of the Chair of Organizational Activities Prof. Dr. Aleksa Stanković. The guests were welcomed by the Rector of the University of Novi Sad Prof. Dr. Dejan Jakšić and the Vice-Rector for Education Prof. Dr. Sanja Podunavac-Kuzmanović at the Univrsity of Novi Sad Rector's Office.
The representatives of the Unvieristy of Zenica and the University of Novi Sad discussed the possibilities to strengthen and diversify the successful bilateral cooperation between the two universities.
On this occasion, the rectors of the University of Zenica and the University of Novi Sad signed a new bilateral inter-university Agreement on Cooperation that focuses on the cooperation in the fields of research and scientific projects, exchange of professors, teaching and non-teaching staff and students, exchange of academic literature, promotion of joint scientific publications, organization of scientific symposiums and conferences, including the possibilities of other mutually agreed modes of cooperation.
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