The University of Novi Sad has been granted one more Horizon 2020 project entitled “Twinning for reaching sustainable scientific and technological excellence in the field of Green Electronics” – GREENELIT (no. 951747).
The Project aims at significantly strengthening research and innovation capacities of the University of Novi Sad (UNS), Serbia in the emerging field of Green Electronics by twinning action with EU internationally-leading research institutions – Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Italy and Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark.
Thanks to this project, RDI capacity of the involved institutions will be enhanced and staff’s research profile will be improved. Green electronics has no negative impact on the environment at its end of life and can revolutionize the area of biomonitoring.
The coordinator of the GREENELIT project is Prof. Dr. Goran Stojanović, a full professor at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. The starting date of the project is November 1, 2020, with the period of realization in the next three years. The total budget of the projec is 898,800 Euro.
More information can be found on the offial Project web site.
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