The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) published the new project proposal selection results within the Erasmus+ Call for 2020.
In accordance with the list of projects approved for funding under the European Union Erasmus + program, the University of Novi Sad will participate in a total of 15 new projects – 4 coordinating projects and 11 partner projects.
Among the new Erasmus + projects coordinated by the University of Novi Sad are two capacity building in higher education projects: Development of part-time studies and short learning cycles in higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina (PARTISH) and Capacity building for the implementation of dual education in higher education in Montenegro (DUALMON); one strategic partnership project – Mathematics for the future: understanding and application of mathematics with the help of new technology (FutureMATH); as well as one Jean Monnet project – European Union agricultural policy and its impact on agri-food competitiveness of Serbia (AgriCOM).
A consolidated list of all new projects of the University of Novi Sad selected within the Erasmus + call for 2020 has been published in the Science and Projects section on the University's website.
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