The University of Novi Sad has been ranked among the best universities in the world on the recently published Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2022 by subject. The new THE rankings by different subjects for 2022 were published in September 2021 for four subject areas so far. According to the newly published results, the University of Novi Sad has been ranked in the field of Phycology for the first time, with the rank 501+, as the only university from the Republic of Serbia to be ranked in this scientific field. Beside Phycology, UNS has been ranked in other three subject areas for the upcoming year as well, where it has maintained last year rankings: Clinical & Health (601+), Life sciences (801+) and Physical sciences (801 – 1000).
The Times Higher Education World University Rankings by subject is based on the same rigorous performance indicators used for global rankings of the best universities in the world, with the methodology recalibrated to suit the specific subject areas. Rankings in the field of Physical sciences includes disciplines such as mathematics and statistics, physics and astronomy, chemistry, geology, environmental sciences, and earth and marine sciences, with the rankings table for 2022 that includes 1,227 universities in total. The subject area of Clinical and Health disciplines for 2022 encompasses 925 universities in total and includes medicine, dentistry and other health subjects. The Life sciences table 2022 lists 972 world leading universities, including disciplines such as agriculture and forestry, biological sciences, veterinary science and sport science. The ranking table for Phycology encompasses 567 world leading universities across several areas of psychology, such as educational, sport, business, animal and clinical psychology.
THE rankings represent the largest world university rankings, including more than 1,600 universities from 99 countries and territories, focusing on university achievements in teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. This year’s ranking research analyzed more than 108 million citations across over 14.4 million research publications, with more than 2,100 institutions submitting the data.
The University of Novi Sad was first ranked on THE World University Rankings by subject in 2021, positioning among the leading world universities in 8 out of 11 subject areas in total. The results for 2022 published in September include 4 subject areas so far. The rankings in other subject areas were announced to be published during October and November 2021. The global rank of UNS according to Times Higher Education World University Rankings for 2022 is 1201+.
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