The University of Novi Sad Rector Prof. Dr. Dejan Madić and the Vice-Rector for International Affairs Prof. Dr. Sabina Halupka-Rešetar participated in the Second edition of the EUGLOH Annual Summit that took place from 15th to 17th June 2022 at the Université Paris-Saclay, France.
The main themes of the Summit were focused on several important questions, such as the EUGLOH role in responding to global health challenges, the impact of EUGLOH to its students, staff and partners, EUGLOH’s vision for the future of the Alliance, its ways of re-shaping higher education in Europe and contributing to furthering EUGLOH’s educational, scientific, and innovation goals.
The EUGLOH Alliance was established I 2019 as a strategic partnership between Université Paris-Saclay (France), Lund University (Sweden), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany), Universidade do Porto (Portugal) and University of Szeged (Hungary). More recently, the Alliance welcomed four new partner institutions – University of Alcalá (Spain), Universität Hamburg (Germany), University of Novi Sad (Republic of Serbia) and Tromsø University - The Arctic University of Norway (Norway). The Alliance has an interdisciplinary character with a goal to contribute to better understanding of social challenges related to global health, focusing on five key domains: the future of medicine (predictive, preventive, participative and personalized medicine, as well as new diseases); digital health and digital technologies for health and well-being (big data, artificial intelligence, robotics); climate changes, preservation of environment and biodiversity; social sciences and humanities for global health; healthy life and welfare.
The 2022 Summit was organized under the title „Time to gather, Time to grow!“ inviting partner universities to strengthen the existing capacities and resources through new joint activities that aim to empower the Alliance to reach its goals.
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